
The unit deals with patients which are brought in for treatment and then discharged the same day without having to admit them at the wards. It is one of the busiest units as various services ranging from registration, consultation, examination, treatment, surgery, vaccination, deworming etc are provided.
The OPU is further divided into five sections as given below:
Preventive section
This section mainly provides preventive services such as vaccination and deworming to the animals in-order to prevent disease outbreaks and also to maintain their health in good condition.
Medicine Section
This section deals with consultation, diagnosis and treatment services to the animals with various health related problems.
Surgery Section
This section deals with all the services/ interventions related to the surgery of animals. The services include castration & spaying, soft tissue surgery, orthopedic surgery and oral surgery. The section will have a preparation/anesthetic room, operation room and recovery room.
Rehabilitation Section
In this section, various rehabilitation/ physiotherapy services will be provided through Laser, Ultrasound, Electric and Thermal therapies. Additionally, treadmill and other exercises will also be provided to the patients with musculoskeletal problems to help them regain mobility in their limbs to lead a healthy and normal lives. In the near future, a plan to provide hydrotherapy will also be explored.
Emergency Section
This section will cater to the patients which require urgent veterinary interventions. All the patients which are suffering from acute illness and serious injuries/ trauma which are life threatening will be routed and treated in this section. The emergency section will be open 24 hours.

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